About Us

Our Story

We are a group of like minded water sports enthusiast, here we want to tell you a little story about how we came together.

We started back in the days as interns, eager to learn how to transport our passion for kitesurfing to others. Our journey began in the former small town of El Gouna in Egypt. We wanted to kite as much as possible, and to work as an instructor helps you to get a lot of time on the water. After a couple of years working and progressing as kitesurfing instructors, the opportunity opened to become the heads of the school we were working for.

From there, it was a quick and steep learning curve during which we opened other stations all around the world, to share our passion and give others the chance to experience the life we are living so happily. Time teaches you certain things and over the years we realized that we want to form a network of schools under one big roof in order to have the level of professionalism we aim for.

So this is it!
We have a vast variety of different locations, fixed and mobile all around the globe. With primesurf, we can assure that everything runs as smoothly for you as possible. We can provide you with the same level of quality experiences, the best equipment and most importantly our prime community.

Ready to explore? Become prime!

Our Team

We love what we do and we do what we love. Its an honour to be able to be in the water as much as possible and to show you a part of our lives.

This is us!

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